2025 General Municipal Election Guide

HBA PAC Endorsed Candidates

The City of Colorado Springs will have elections for the six City Council districts on April 1. Ballots will be mailed on Friday, March 7. The HBA’s Election Guide is available by clicking here. The HBA asks that members share the Election Guide with employees, subcontractors, suppliers and anyone else who may be voting in this election. The HBA-endorsed candidates are:

District 1: Lee Lehmkuhl

District 2: Tom Bailey

District 3: Brandy Williams and Richard Gillit

District 4: Sherrea Elliott-Sterling

District 5: Christopher Burns

District 6: Parth Melpakam

In addition to endorsing these candidates, the HBA’s Political Action Committee (PAC) also contributed to each campaign. Endorsements and contributions are fully allowed under Colorado Springs campaign laws and are disclosed by the HBA to the public. The HBA’s disclosure reports can be reviewed by clicking here.

The HBA and PAC have a long history of engagement in local elections in the Pikes Peak region. This is a First Amendment right provided to all types of organizations and individuals, including business groups, trade associations, and labor unions, to be able to educate and endorse candidates for elected office.

The HBA’s process for reviewing candidates includes inviting all candidates to interview with the PAC. Candidate who schedule an interview receive a questionnaire that focuses on issues of importance to our industry and members. The PAC then interviews and decides which candidates to support and also if that support comes with a campaign contribution. Every candidate who received an endorsement and contribution agreed to accept the HBA’s support.


Important Dates for the 2025 General Municipal Election

  • Ballots are mailed to active registered voters beginning March 7.
  • This election is an all-mail ballot election only. City elections have been mail ballot only since 2005.
  • March 24 is the recommended last day to return your ballot by mail. Postmarks do not count.
  • April 1 – Election Day. Ballots must be received by 7 p.m. Postmarks do not count.

Dropbox Locations –https://clerkandrecorder.elpasoco.com/elections/ballot-drop-boxes-vspc-locations/

Each election our PAC diligently researches candidates to make endorsements and recommendations to support candidates who reflect the values and principles of the HBA. The PAC-endorsed candidates share our goal of being able to build safe, attainable housing to meet the region’s needs, while respecting private property rights, maintaining a good permitting and regulatory environment, and developing smart policies on key issues like fees, taxes, water resources and other issues critical to our members.



Click Here for information about voting and returning ballots